There was a strict rule concerning the coronation of the Hungarian Kings: It must be held on a main holiday in Fehérvár and performed by the archbishop of Esztergom. The initiation crown: in contrast to the „home” and „ruler” crowns – touched only once the head of the ruler: during the coronation ceremony. This moment can never be repeated..
Why is the Hungarian Holy Crown holy?
According to Franz Bock, the „holy” attribute is not automatically given to a crown. The crown of the Holy Roman Empire had some similarity in importance to the Hungarian Holy Crown, but was never called „holy”, it was a „ruler” crown and was worn at state affairs. The only initiation crown in modern history, is the Hungarian Holy Crown. In general the crowns were made for the ruler, except in Hungary, where the ruler was chosen to the crown. According to Hungarian law, the Holy Crown was the highest dignitary of the land and was higher in rank than the king himself.
The Holy Crown’s two main parts are in closed unity. The 19 enamel pictures (from the New Testament) have a so called „pictographic program” and an important sacred message hidden to our present way of thinking. The crown of the Roman Empire – with only four enamel pictures from the Old Testament – has also a pictographic program.
The Hungarian Holy Crown has a very special role in our history. Being an „initiation” crown, no authentic picture exists of the Holy Crown until the 15th century. Initiation crowns were sacred and could not be illustrated. The mentioned specialties are the basis for the „holy” attribute of the Hungarian Holy Crown.
Emese Kerkay
Link: A Magyar Szent Korona
Source: Záhonyi András, Miért lett szent a Szent Korona? / Why is the Holy Crown holy?, Internet 2001