Violin / hegedű

VIOLIN (hegedű)

The most popular and widespread instrument among Hungarians is the violin. It was made popular by the violinist minstrels in the Middle Ages. In the 1500-s, a traveler reports, that the Hungarian violinists handle their instrument in a very peculiar way, which people of other nations are unable to do. In the past 200 years the violin became the favorite instrument of gypsy bands. The violin was often used together with a bagpipe and hit gardon. In Szék, Transylvania a band consisting of a violinist, bass-player and violist (brácsás) still plays music in the style of many centuries.

The three strings of the viola (brácsa) are tuned to a, d, and g. All three strings are sounded simultaneously with one stroke of the bow which harmonizes with the violin and bass (or cello).